The Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter (LVAC) was chartered on June 3, 1966 by twelve tenacious young educators and social workers. The twelve charter members of LVAC had the wisdom and foresight to know that there was and would always be a need for Black women to be politically aware and involved and serve the African American community. The charter members were...
Shirley Anderson Williams Dean
The chapter service area includes the greater Las Vegas area known as Clark County, encompassing the cities of Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas and Boulder City. The LVAC focuses on service and involvement in the community and has created many programs of distinction by participating in and supporting several community initiatives including but not limited to: regular attendance at the Clark County School District (CCSD) school board meetings; participation in the American Cancer Society: Making Strides Against Cancer Walk; membership in the local NAACP; voter registration drives and field registration training; support of and participation in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade; letter writing campaigns and social action luncheons on community issues such as “election reform.” Regardless of the cause, the chapter is always advocating for the needs of the local community.
In the state of Nevada not only are Sorors at the forefront of local government, primary through higher education, hospitals and agencies of social change they are also active participants in many collaborative programming efforts and are involved at the Regional and National levels of our Sisterhood. Las Vegas is currently the home of 28th Regional Director Soror Sandra Phillips Johnson and was the host chapter of the 47th National Convention and the Regional Conferences in 1971, 1990, and 2011. With a growing membership, LVAC continues to be visible in civic, academic, religious and political arenas. The members of LVAC have proven time and time again that they are dedicated to the continued development and implementation of outstanding service projects in the name of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

In the beginning...
On June 3, 1966, Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter (LVAC) was chartered by 11 young tenacious educators and social workers.
Celebrating Founders Day...
In 1972, LVAC celebrates our Sorority's founding with a church service and Sisterhood luncheon.

Involvement in the AIDS pandemic...
In 1995, LVAC begins to support the AID for AIDS of Nevada (AFAN) Walk.
Expansion in Northern Nevada...
On April 30, 2004, with the help of the LVAC, the Tau Mu Chapter was chartered at the University of Nevada, Reno. One of the charter members is Dr. Tya Mathis-Coleman, a current member and Past President of the LVAC.
Making our mark in education...
In August 2004, the Eva G. Simmons Elementary School opened in honor of our LVAC Charter Member.
Click here to learn more.
Hosting the National Convention...
LVAC hosted the 47th National Convention at MGM Grand Hotel & Casino on July 22-28, 2004.

Our international reach...
In May 2017, as part of the Kenya KEEPS initiative, LVAC started a campaign to purchase boys’ underwear.
Making strides in education...
In August 2017, the Dr. Beverly S. Mathis Elementary School opened in honor of our LVAC Member.
Click here to learn more.
National Convention returns to Vegas...
LVAC hosted the 53rd National Convention on August 3-9, 2017.

Forward with Fortitude...
In July 2023, at the 56th National Convention in Indianapolis, IN, LVAC received the Social Action Award (1st place) and the EMBODI Award (3rd place).

60th Charter Anniversary
On June 3, 2026, LVAC will celebrate with various events to honor our Charter Members. Stay tuned!
Extending out to the University community...
On June 24, 1970, LVAC established the Eta Chi Chapter, an undergraduate chapter at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). The Eta Chi Chapter was the first Black fraternal organization on at UNLV.

Women breaking new ground...
On November 10, 1973, LVAC held it's 4th Annual Social Action Lucheon at the Terrace Room.

Civil rights awareness...
In 2003. the first Civil Rights Film Festival was established to showcase films and documentaries related to the civil rights movement and issues of social justice, equality, and human rights.
Paying tribute to community leaders...
On November 5 & 6, 2011, LVAC hosted the Tribute Awards at the Aliante Hotel & Casino. Bob and Anna Bailey were honored for their contributions to equal rights in Nevada.

Leading our communities...
On November 8, 2022, LVAC's Pamela Goynes-Brown was elected Mayor of North Las Vegas.

Honoring a legacy in education...
In 2022, Kit Carson International Academy was renamed to Helen Anderson Toland International Academy in honor of our LVAC Charter Member who as the first African-American female Principal for the Clark County School District.
Click here to learn more.
Providing education alternatives...
In August 2025, the Do & Be Arts Academy will open by LVAC Member, Shambrion Treadwell, Founder/Principal.
Click here to learn more.
Stomping out domestic violence...
On February 17, 2019, the 100 Black Men of Las Vegas honors LVAC with an award of excellence for their S.T.O.MP program.

Forward with Fortitude...
In October 2023, at the Farwest Regional Retreat in Hollywood, CA, LVAC received numerous awards:
1st Place - Large Alumnae Chapter of the Year
1st Place - Chapter Website & Social Media
1st Place - International Awareness & Involvement
2nd Place - Arts & Letters
2nd Place - Delta Dear of the Year (Danette Mitchell)
3rd Place - Physical & Mental Health